For a marketer, to not consider making an app is like not replying when your consumer is talking to you. To put it bluntly, it is like ignoring a potential client.
Giving your marketing efforts a mobile edge has a huge benefit. 85% of brands are using mobile apps to reach their customers.* It is a magnet to attract your customer, as they spend most of their time today on their smartphones or tablets.
Apps integrate with your multi-channel campaign for a harmonious user experience.
A multi-channel campaign that synchronizes with your consumer behavior, and reaches your customer at specific touch points, is integral to a holistic marketing campaign. While other channels act on behalf of your brand, an app is a channel that interacts with your consumer and acts as a reminder, placing itself cozily in the hands of your customer. An app seamlessly flows into your marketing mix and widens the scope of your marketing campaign.
Apps not only speak about your brand, but talk to your customer. People switch between desktop computers and laptops to tablets and mobile devices throughout the day. Your customers have made mobile devices an essential part of their media and content consumption. Your brand message has more potential to penetrate today than ever before. It must deliver a consistent brand message no matter how and where those customers find you. A compelling mobile experience adds value to your brand and helps you break through the clutter.
Apple’s App Store gets indexed in Google: Who doesn’t want that extra push to get noticed on Google? Marketers are always searching for new ways to enhance their SEO. Due to the iTunes web preview that is hosted by Apple, there are high chances of your native apps appearing on search results. When you provide a full description of your apps and customer reviews, based on your brand’s keywords, on the web preview pages they get indexed by Google. When someone searches your app, the iTunes web preview page will appear in the first ten results.
iOS apps are auto-reviewed by other websites: If you are trying hard to gain some extra eyeballs on search engines, auto review sites could help you further. Usually, some websites automatically post reviews when an app is released. For example, if you type any name + “app” in Google, you will end up seeing a lot of websites which have auto-reviewed the app. This enables more visibility and leads to higher ranking and backlinks to your website.
5. Cater to your customers’ mobile wishes
While browsing your brand’s app, all your customers are asking for a smooth user experience. Simple navigation, reviews, easy mechanisms for providing feedback and quick ordering are the most important things for your customer. Combine these features with your brand image and message, and your app is ready to conquer your target audience. Nowadays, online app building platforms such as Appowr allow you to create unique brand experiences that will not only be consistent with your image, but add the interactive element that is intrinsic to an app. All of these creative possibilities in a few simple steps. As a marketer, they make the job of building apps for your brand hassle-free and help you build a relationship with your audience.
Successful businesses tend to make apps natural extensions of their businesses. Engage your audience with your brand by building apps that are unique and interactive. So what’s stopping you? Be the next marketer to build an app for your brand and create a successful business!
*Source: Appowr blog ( – ©2014 Urban Airship, based on a proprietary survey of 500 executives, marketers and developers.